Ж Medieval Warfare Ж

System of Raising Armies and Campaigning: Medieval Warfare by Professor Michael Prestwich

Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1 > .
Castle guard
Castle-guard was an arrangement under the feudal system, by which the duty of finding knights to guard royal castles was imposed on certain manors, knight's fees or baronies. The greater barons provided for the guard of their castles by exacting a similar duty from their sub-enfeoffed knights. The obligation was commuted very early for a fixed money payment, a form of scutage known as "castle-guard rent", which lasted into modern times. Castle-guard was a common form of feudal tenure, almost ubiquitous, on the Isle of Wight where all manors were held from the Lord of the Isle of Wight, seated at Carisbrook Castle.

Medieval source material on the internet: Land taxes and feudal surveys
http://home.olemiss.edu/~tjray/medieval/feudal.htm .



Viking Woodsman Kit

Irish & Viking Medieval Weapons & Armour On Display At Gallow's Hill, Dungarvan

How to make fire with flint and steel - Viking Style Fire Lighting

Journeys Through Time 1 - The Vikings

You Had to Be Strong Just to Wear the Armor as a Viking

The Wilderness and Bushcraft Series - Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen

Logistics in Medieval Warfare played a key role, although for a long time there was a view that there were no proper logistical system in the "Dark Ages", this has been largely debunked. Since large army operated for extended periods in enemy territory and we also have quite a paper trail in some cases. This video also covers the benefits and drawbacks of pack animals, carts and wagons. The difference between stall-feeding and grazing. The importance of militias and magnates. As well, as the basic differences to the Roman Empire and food requirements for men and beast.

▲ Warfare ➧ 
Ancient Warfare ➧
Anglo-Saxon vs Viking weaponry ➧
Bowmen ➧
English Military Decline, 14th C? ➧
Medieval Warfare ➧
Siege Engines ➧
Siege Tower ➧ (11thC BCE ancient Near East, 4thC BCE Europe )