Wattle and daub, Timber construction

Lathe, Plaster, Wood, Roofing - Traditional Building ..

The origins of wattle and daub stem from the primitive buildings, where huts were constructed of poles and earthen walls. Archaeology shows the techniques were numerous and their boundaries ill-defined. Earth walling could be used simply as a base for a roof, or higher walls could be formed to raise the roof away from the ground. The walls could be made with wattles, woven from brushwood or ‘withies’ (thin wands) coppiced from nearby woodlands. These wattle walls, bearing no significant difference to the construction of hurdles, used the same technique as fencing for boundaries, penning, wind-resistance and privacy and those laid flat as tracks


Roundhouse construction - Danebury CS1 > .
Shelter - Mesolithic, Viking, Medieval - roundhouse, longhouse, Norse town, British domestic history

Prehistory, Dark, Middle Ages

How to Build Stone Houses