Monks, friars - Cistercian, Dominican, Franciscan

Lucrative Fear-mongering ..  

Monasticism & Early Papacy Rule of St Benedict
13. Monasticism - Yale Courses
Monasticism - Ryan Reeves .
Monasticism - HoI > . .

Greyfriars and Blackfriars .

The Rule of Saint Benedict (Monasticism)

Benedictines, Cluniacs, Cistercians, Carthusians

BBC Medieval Lives Episode 2: The Monk - Allthemed Docs

Monastic Life in Medieval England - Metatron

The Monastic Life - History of Britain A04 - timelinesTV

Monasticism - Ryan Reeves

Medieval Monastic Life

Medieval Lives - Allthemed Docs

Early & Medieval Church History - Ryan Reeves - playlist

Life In The Middle Ages The Monk . . . . .

Medieval Book Production and Monastic Life

It wasn’t until the fourth century CE that the Medieval world was introduced to monastic life, in the form of a devout Egyptian Christian named Pachomius that thought it was a good idea to have an isolated space to be humbly miserable and to worship God an invention at the same time.

Bookmaking: Authors, Illuminated Manuscripts, Scribes

The Monastic Life - Timeline History of Britain

Monastic Life in Medieval England - Metatron
Monasticism - Ryan Reeves
13. Monasticism - YaleCourses
Medieval Church - Sutton Hoo
HISTORY OF IDEAS - Monasticism - The School of Life
Medieval Education - Sutton Hoo
Medieval Lives Episode 2: The Monk
Mini Guide to Medieval Monks - English Heritage

Creeds & Councils > .

Early & Medieval Church History - Ryan Reeves
Medieval Society Sutton Hoo
The Middle Ages - Historical Presentations - Metatron

Church & Monasteries - Anglo-Saxon to Dissolution
Anglo-Saxon Church

How to Live as a Medieval Monk

Monastery hours
Medieval Monastery (1950s) 15;00
Religious calendar - Whitsun market (Pentecost)
Church's influence
Whitsun church & market
Religious guilds - panis benedictus
Monastery representatives encouraged tenants to undertake money-making enterprises
lucrative hospitality
Poor relief & influence peddling
Monastery layworkers
Monastic herb garden
Civic & parish provisions
Religious Guild - Mistery play
Medieval guild & Pre-Reformation decorated church
Dissolution of the Monasteries - HwH

The Dissolution of the Monasteries - In Our Time (BBC Radio 4) - Melvyn Bragg 42;01

Luttrell Psalter & Books of Hours

The Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry or Très Riches Heures, (English: The Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry), is the most famous and possibly the best surviving example of French Gothic manuscript illumination, showing the late International Gothic phase of the style. It is a book of hours: a collection of prayers to be said at the canonical hours. It was created between c. 1412 and 1416 for the extravagant royal bibliophile and patron John, Duke of Berry, by the Limbourg brothers. When the three painters and their sponsor died in 1416, possibly victims of plague, the manuscript was left unfinished. It was further embellished in the 1440s by an anonymous painter, who many art historians believe was Barthélemy d'Eyck. In 1485–1489, it was brought to its present state by the painter Jean Colombe on behalf of the Duke of Savoy. Acquired by the Duc d'Aumale in 1856, the book is now MS 65 in the Musée Condé, Chantilly, France. .

Luttrell Psalter & Books of Hours

Monastic Life > .

Medieval Calendar & Saints' Days

14th century .

The Medieval Calendar > .
Getty - Medieval Calendar > .
The medieval calendar served as a map of the Church year. While following the method of the Roman calendar in determining dates, it also listed saints' days and other religious feasts and recorded the phases of the moon. Many calendars also featured related illustrations of saints, feasts, monthly labors, leisure activities, and signs of the zodiac.
Medieval Church History - The Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

More realistic exposition of Medieval Christianity
Cistercian monks were held to extremely high standards of behaviour – standards they didn’t always meet. Visitation records from abbots who came to inspect Hailes Abbey offer tantalising glimpses into the lives of the monks who lived there and the vices that may have tempted them.

The community at Hailes was led by a father abbot, to whom the monks owed total obedience. Periodically, the abbot of another Cistercian monastery would visit Hailes to examine the conduct of the abbot and monks. The records of numerous visitations conducted at Hailes between the mid-13th and mid-15th centuries survive.

Visitations followed a set procedure, with every aspect of life within a monastery and the behaviour of the monks scrutinised. By their very nature, visitations were meant to find fault and no error was too small to attract the censure of a visiting abbot. At the end of the visitation, the findings were carefully recorded and read to the monks assembled in the chapter house.

According to St Bernard of Clairvaux – the greatest of all Cistercian saints – living as part of a community within a monastery provided an opportunity to experience the angelic life on earth. However, the visitation records can leave no doubt that the monks at Hailes did not always achieve this high standard. The monks were admonished for ganging up against one of their brethren and gossiping about allegations of his sexual wrongdoing, which had been disproven. On another occasion, there was a serious falling out between the abbot and many of his monks.

The visiting abbot often highlighted minor lapses in religious observance. The Hailes monks were admonished for not kneeling deeply enough in front of the high altar, for failure to celebrate a daily Mass in honour of the Virgin Mary, to whom the abbey was dedicated, and for the quality of their chant during the eight services that punctuated the monastic day – hurrying or slurring words, for instance, was criticised. On one occasion, the visiting abbot complained that a hymn needed to be sung at a higher pitch to ensure that it was a song of praise rather than a miserable dirge.

All Cistercian monks were expected to be Latin literate and to spend a portion of each day reading religious books in the cloister. The visiting abbot instructed that monks should be given books that were appropriate to their level of learning, with less knowledgeable monks allocated books that provided instruction about the rules of the Cistercian order. The monks of Hailes were also warned not to leave the cloister during the time allocated to reading. Transgressing monks were to be beaten before the assembled community at the daily meeting in the chapter house, a typical punishment for minor infringements of monastic rules.

When Hailes was founded in the mid-13th century, the monks slept in a communal dormitory, as mandated in the Rule of St Benedict. But by the mid-14th century, it was common practice for monks to live in individual cells. In 1394, the community at Hailes were told they must not sleep in such private chambers. It appears however that such instructions were ignored – the monks insisting on the comfort and privacy afforded by individual cells.

Monks, of course, were expected to be celibate. Concern for the sexual morality of the community was a recurring theme in the visitations. Although the visiting abbots recorded no proven sexual misdemeanours, they highlighted circumstances which could lead to allegations of such behaviour. Women, for instance, were lodging within the precinct of the monastery and monks were expressly forbidden to wander off and visit local taverns.

Visiting abbots also criticised aspects of the administration of the abbey by the abbot and other senior monks. The faults found included the accumulation of debts, the shabby clothing of the monks, the quality of care provided for sick monks in the infirmary, failure to provide charity to the poor, the disrepair of the monastery’s buildings and permitting weeds and thistles to grow in the cloister.

Taken together, the visitations record many breaches of monastic discipline. But modern scholars should resist the temptation to judge the monks too harshly. The Rule of St Benedict and the regulations of the Cistercian order set exacting standards. The very fact that they include provisions for the correction of errors and the rehabilitation of erring monks shows that it was expected that some brothers would struggle to live up to the high standards demanded of them.