Bronzeguss - Spätmittelalterlicher Kanonenguss [subs]

Reverberatory Furnace > .

Bronze casting - experiments in early gun founding > .

2 > .
Mittelalterlicher Büchsenguss - reverse order >> .
Medieval Professions - KoHi >> .  

A 15th century tap makers conical reamer. Applied Archaeometallurgy"

"Der Glockengießer"

Medieval bell founding - 11th century - day 16 to 18 - casting the bell

On the 16th day the furnace was built further, the building material was mixed with clay, and the mould was fired further. On the 17th day the furnace was completed, the mould continued to fire and my foundry team finally arrived. The charcoal burner also took the opportunity to do a lot of work.

On the 18th working day, exactly five weeks after the start, the bell was cast from three crucibles with 20 kg tin bronze each. This is the alloy Theophilus specified. At 12.00 in the melting furnace the metal was started to melt, which had already melted 3.15 h later. Nevertheless, we only cast at 17.20 to give the visitors of the Vespe the opportunity to witness the casting.

At 20.45 the bell had already been demoulded, as beehive bells have to be freed from the casting core due to their thin wall thickness while still warm to prevent them from tearing due to the shrinking metal.