Picts & Celts

Celtic Life in Iron Age > .
Celtic Fort in Iron Age > .

Who were the Picts - and Where did they Come From?


"The Picts are a ‘lost people of Europe’ and a past society of enduring public fascination. First mentioned in late Roman writings as a collection of troublesome social groupings north of the Roman frontier, the Picts went on to dominate northern and eastern Scotland until late first millennium AD. The emergence of the Pictish kingdoms was part of broader change in northern Europe that laid the foundations for the modern nation states of Europe. The major legacies of the Picts include some of the most spectacular archaeological sites and artistic achievements of Early Medieval European society. However, all trace of the Picts disappeared from the written records in the 9th century AD, and only limited and contentious documentary sources survive."

Burghead Pictish Fort > .

"Archaeologists aim to unravel the mystery of the Rhynie Man"

"When a farmer ploughing an Aberdeenshire field in 1978 uncovered a six-foot high Pictish stone carved with a distinctive figure carrying an axe, it quickly earned the name the 'Rhynie Man', coined from the village in which it was found.

But in the decades since its discovery, little more is known about the Pictish figure, who he was or why he was created. Now a team of archaeologists from the University of Aberdeen are leading a dig which they hope will yield answers to the mystery of Aberdeenshire’s ‘oldest man’.

Believed to date from the fifth or sixth century, the Rhynie Man carries an axe upon his shoulder, has a large pointed nose and wears a headdress"


Latest GIS plan from Rhynie... fab site! https://twitter.com/northernpicts/status/844252550509592576



The Picts: Battle Tactics and Warfare
Picts: History and Heritage
Picts: Part 1- Symbols and Signs
Picts: Part 2- Symbols and Statements
The Recumbent Stone Circles of North East Scotland
Questions of Doom: Being Picky about the Picts!
BBC Coast - Burghead Pictish Fort


Wainwright argued that the Pictish inhabitants of Shetland and Orkney had been ‘overwhelmed by and submerged beneath the sheer weight of the Scandinavian settlement’. The Picts, he concluded, ‘were overwhelmed politically, linguistically, culturally and socially.
Crawford didn’t succeed in persuading his audience, or, subsequently, his readers. Since the 1970s the ‘Peace’ School has become more and more voluble and successful. I regret this, because I go further than Crawford and Wainwright. I suspect that the Norse invaders of Orkney and Shetland didn’t just overwhelm’, or ‘submerge’ the native population: I think they killed them.